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Corresponding Author
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
Intravenous (IV) line infusion therapy is a therapy that often given to patients who were admitted or having a specific therapy. The ability of IV insertion is one of the important skills that required from a competence nurse. It is important for a nurse to do the insertion of IV Line correctly to avoid a harmful error such as phlebitis or inflammation of the vein and further infections or anybody reactions. Based on the data gathered at a Private Hospital, the first or the preliminary result showed that in a year there is 30 incident of Phlebitis. The purpose of this study was to determine the causes of phlebitis in infusion on the inpatient ward at a private hospital in West Indonesia. This study is quantitative descriptive research with data collection methods by documents study of the checklists. The sampling technique was a purposive sampling with 50 inpatients people as the respondents. The instrument used in this research is a documentary study sheet using visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) Score from Andrew Jackson. The result of this study is 32 people (64%) respondents who experienced phlebitis or PIVAS scores more than or equal to one (≥ 1) from 50 people who IV line was removed in the hospital. The three main factors causing phlebitis on this study was Intrinsic factors (gender, age, and comorbidities) of 82%, chemical factors (type and speed of fluid) of 52%, and mechanical factors (catheter size, location, and length of insertion) of 98%. The conclusion of this study is there are three main factors that influence the incidence of phlebitis, are: Intrinsic factors with 82%, the chemical factors (52%), and mechanical as the highest frequencies of phlebitis (98%).The researcher recommends to the future researcher as a reference for further study of phlebitis and to expand the analysis for more specific causes of phlebitis.
Phlebitis, Factors, IV Line Insertion
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Oliva Suyen Ningsih
1,2, Lecturer of Nursing Departement STIKES Santu Paulus Ruteng, NTT, 3Bachelor of Nursing STIKES Santu Paulus Ruteng, NTT
Email: 1osningsih[at], 2johanjakri17[at], 3erikacahyani96[at]
One of the nutritional problems which is a major concern at this time is the high stunting of children under five. Stunting can have a negative impact on childrens development and growth both short and long term. Lenda village is one of the villages prioritized in the integrated stunting intervention in 2018. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the incidence of stunting in children aged 12-60 months (n = 82) in Lenda Village, Manggarai, Regency, NTT in October 2018-April 2019 using a cross-sectional study. The sample technique used was purposive sampling. Data analysis using the chi-sguare test. The results showed 45 children (54.9%) male and 37 children (45.1%) women, mean age 37 months (± 3 year), and most children had stunting at 58 (70.7%). Factors that were significantly related to the incidence of stunting were exclusive breastfeeding (OR = 4,778, CI = 1,733-13,172, p value 0.002), immunization status (OR = 0,207, CI = 0,075-0,575, p value 0.003), diarrhea (OR = 7,571, CI = 2,225-25,761, p value 0,000), knowledge (OR = 0,162, CI = 0,053-0,500, p value 0.002). Integrated stunting management is needed through cross-sectoral collaboration to increase coverage of health care providers, improve sanitation to prevent diarrhea and increased maternal knowledge and health during antenatal and postnatal care.
Stunting, Lenda Village, Manggarai Regency, NTT
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Riksa Wibawa Resna
Program study of Nursing, Institute of Health Science of Banten
Program study of Vocational, University of Indonesia
Public Health Center of Pondok Ranji
Approximately 72.4% of the elderly in Indonesia having problems immobility which varies from a functional problem moving up to a total inability to move. Immobility tends to be easily found but often not recognized as a problem in the elderly. Elderly immobility detection efforts ranging from Posyandu services is indispensable to be able to identify the various problems of mobility in the elderly in the community. The study aimed to developing and analyzing model for elderly mobility detection in community that can be used by cadres quicly and easily by using google form as a tool. This research was conducted to test the mobility of elderly detection model in the form of paper and google form to the 30 volunteers who perform detection mobility problems on 60 elderly health centers located in the region of Serpong and Pondok Ranji. Based on study, showed that the speed detection by using google form (10.60 minute; SD: 2.634) than using the paper form (9:33 minute; SD: 1,988). The lack of exposure to use of google form as a media for collecting data on health problems in elderly by cadres, resulted in the majority of respondents stating that the use of a paper-based detection model was easier than using the google form. Therefore, educating the cadres to be able to use technology as a tool that can simplify and speed up health services.
mobility detection; older adults; google form
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Luh Widyariesta Damayanti
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
In Indonesia, the obesity rate in teenagers is still quite high. There are 36.9% of teenagers who are categorized overweight. One of the risk factors in the increase of obesity is the habit of skipping breakfast. Obesity is weight gain exceeding the limt needs and physical, skeletal as a result the accumulation ofe excessive fat in the body. The purpose of this study was to describe the breakfast habit and body mass index (BMI) in the tenth grade students at Senior High School 2 Kuta. This study employed descriptive design with cross sectional approach. There were 224 respondents recruited as the sample through proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaire and analyzed by using descriptive statistical. The findings indicated that 190 (84.8%) respondents had moderate category in breakfast habit; however, there were 96 (42.9%) respondents had quite risky category of BMI, and 45 (20.1%) respondents had high risk in BMI. The majority of respondents had poor eating habit such as skipping breakfast and consuming junk food. It is expected that the public health center routinely provides counseling about nutrition in schools; moreover, the school needs to provide more sources of information on healthy eating and periodically check the body weight through school health unit activities.
breakfast habits, BMI and adolescents.
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Masrida Adolina Panjaitan
Faculty of Nursing
Universitas Pelita Harapan
Background :Burnout is state of physical, emotional stress and mental caused by a cronic state of pressure in emotional demands.The Inpatient Department (IPD) is a highly stressful environment, and related to burnout syndrome.Symptoms from burnout syndrome might cause negative effect on patient care, absence of innovation, causing an overall reduced performance with all daily responbilities.This study aimed to describe burnout syndrome in inpatient hospital nurses.This research was a quantitative study with total sampling techniques.Nurse were interviewed about highly stressful environment related to burnout syndrome. Nurse outcomes measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).Total of fifty four respondents recruited in the study. The characteristic of respondents consist of gender (94.4 %),range of age 20–30 years old (74.1%),education (61.1%),working experience (51.9%) .The respondents consisted of twenty two nurses (40,7 %) emotional exhaustion dimensions,fifty three nurses (98,1 %) depersonalization dimension, thirty eight nurses (70,4 %) personal accomplishment. Conclusion of the study, depersonalization dimension contributed more on the inpatient burnout of nurses in a private hospital. Implication, hospitals should make available stress management programs that address symptoms of burnout and assure safe nurse staffing patterns are in place to improve patient satisfaction with care.
Overview, Burnout Syndrome, Emotional Stress, Inpatient Nurse.
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Nyoman Sintianingsih
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) has been the most important symptom and sadness in cancer patients that can affect the patient-s quality of life. However, there is no study related to CRF conducted in Bali. The aimed of this study was to describe CRF in outpatient of cancer patients at Mangusada Badung Hospital. This study employed descriptive design with cross-sectional approach. The population of this study was 296 respondents who registered as outpatient of cancer patient; however, there were only 160 respondents recruited as the sample through non-probability sampling with consecutive sampling technique. The data were collected by using Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) questionnaire and analyzed by using univariate analysis. The findings indicated that 36.9% of respondents aged 51-55 years, and the majority of respondents had rectal cancer about 35.6%. According to fatigue category, there were 2.5% respondents had mild fatigue, 20% with severe fatigue, and 77.5% of respondents had moderate fatigue. The important changing of this study is that enjoyment of life change 7.5% among 6 whole changing. It can be concluded that patients with cancer have decreased in the quality of life. It is expected that the service provider can provide appropriate interventions to reduce the fatigue level in cancer patients.
Cancer, Fatigue, Cancer-Related Fatigue
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Putu Wisma Ekawati
Institute Technology and Health Bali
The enhancement of HIV/AIDS in Denpasar, Bali occurs in varied age and gender. Teenagers are one of high-risk group because of the high-risk behaviour such as free sex and drugs. Counselling and socialisation by the government and health provider have been conducted. Necessarily the continuously information should be increasing willingness of teenager toward Voluntary Counselling Testing (VCT). In fact, VCT utilisation still lack in teenagers, in October 2017 only 87 teenagers of 1.608 people used VCT facilities. The aim of this study was to find out the correlation between Health Belief Model (HBM) components toward willingness of the teenager to do VCT. This study implemented analytic-correlational design with cross-sectional approach. Respondents were 120 XI grade students in SMAN 6 Denpasar selected using stratified sampling technique. A validated Champion-s questionnaire for mammograms which consisted of 32 questions was used in this study. Data were then analysed by using correlational test Spearman-s Rho and SPPSS version 23.0 for MacBook. Among 120 respondents 68% were male and Hindu was the majority religion (77,5%). The result showed that respondents have high perception of perceived severity, susceptibility, benefit, cues to action, and self-efficacy. The Bivariate result showed that all components of HBM had p value <0,001. There is correlation between each component of HBM toward willingness to do VCT in teenager. Supports from friends should be not only from Association of Student Caring for HIV/AIDS and Narcotics & Psychotropic, but also optimising other kinds of extracurricular activities to allow health education on HIV/AIDS delivered more interestingly.
VCT, HBM, Teenager, HIV/AIDS
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Kadek Ena Dwipayani
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
An individual diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) requires proper management for the disease, the hemodialysis. Self-image disorder is one of the problems commonly experienced by patients with CKD undergoing hemodialysis due to alteration in structural functions of patients- body. Therefore, family support is extremely needed to improve the patients- self-image. This study aimed to find out the family support in attempts to improve the self-image of patients undergoing hemodialysis. This study implemented descriptive design and cross-sectional approach. There were 65 respondents involved in this study which were selected through non-probability sampling, the consecutive sampling. Data were collected by using a questionnaire on family supports and analysed by using univariate analysis. The results revealed that 34 respondents (52,3%) showed good information support and 32 respondents (49,2%) showed good support on appraisal. 46 respondents (70,8%) showed good support on emotional and 30 respondents (46,2%) showed good instrumental support. The result showed that 45 families (69.2%) provided good supports to the patients or in the other words, the majority of families provided good supports to the patients undergoing hemodialysis. The support from family shows attention to the patients that may improve the patients- self-image and lead to the improvement of patients- quality of life.
chronic kidney disease, haemodialysis, family supports
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Made Rina Sinta Dewi
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Patients suffering from chronic kidney disease have to undergo kidney replacement therapy which is called haemodialysis therapy for a long period of time. The therapy may resulting in the decrease of patients- quality of life, which may lead to the low participation of patients in undergoing the therapy. Therefore, the patients- quality of life has to be maintain through family supports. This research aimed to find out the family supports in attempt to maintain the life quality of patients with CKD stage V undergoing haemodialysis therapy in Tabanan Hospital. The study implemented descriptive, cross-sectional design. There were 65 respondents involved as the sample of study, which were selected through consecutive sampling. Data were collected by using a questionnaire on family supports and analysed by using univariate analysis. The results revealed that 57 respondents (87.7%) showed good emotional support and 41 respondents (63.1%) showed good support on appraisal. 34 respondents (52.3%) showed sufficient support on information and 49 respondents (75.4%) showed good instrumental support. The majority of respondents (51 people/78.5%) showed good support in attempt to maintain the patients- quality of life is good. In conclusion, the family supports provided to the patients in attempt to maintain patients- quality of life undergoing haemodialysis is good.
chronic kidney disease, haemodialysis, family supports
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Arik Juliana Putra Kmg
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Urinary incontinence is a common problem affecting older people living in the community. However, research on the prevalence rate and health seeking behaviors is lacking in the Indonesian context. The aim of this study was to identify prevalence rate and health seeking behavior among older people with urinary incontinence living in the area of Community Health Center of Northern Denpasar III. Descriptive design was used in this study with cross sectional approach. Respondents were 285 older people selected using a consecutive sampling technique. ISI (Incontinence Severity Index), QUID ( The Questionnaire of Urinary Incontinence) and health seeking behavior questionnaire was used in collecting the data. Data was analyzed using univariate analysis. Among 285 respondents, 62.1% were female. Median age was 69 years old (ranged from 60 to 90). The prevalence of urinary incontinence in this research was 27% (77/285). Among 77 respondents with urinary incontinence, only 22.1% of them seeking health services. Interestingly, the reason of not seeking treatment is because urine leakage is considered as part of a normal aging process. Health seeking behavior in older people with urinary incontinence is low. It is expected that health practitioners provide further information about urinary incontinence and supporting system to overcome the urinary incontinence problem.
Older People, Urinary Incontinence, Health Seeking Behavior
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Era Widia Sary
Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
Suction is a procedure of action in health services that affect the safety of the clients because suction aims to assist clients to fulfill the oxygen needs by helping to liberate the airway. This study aims to gain an overview of the nurses experience of determining how to perform suction actions on clients with mechanical ventilators in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The method used in this research is qualitative method with phenomenology design. The data were collected by in-depth interviews on six participants who worked as nurses in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) room. There are seven themes identified in this study: (1) the understanding of suction (2) the experience of suction (3) the suction complication (4) the pathophysiology of ventilator installation (5) the importance of adequate resource support (6) the nurse constraint in the suction implementation (7) the protection against nosocomial infections potential. From the results of this study, it is expected that the hospital can improve the support of nurses on their self-development and facilities in carrying out actions in accordance with the standards, in order to continue to gain skills and can update the latest health sciences to support the procedures performed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
Nurse Experience, Suction Action, Client Safety
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Nyoman Nuartini
Background: Disasters often cause psychological distress as posttraumatic stress and psychiatric disorders. This is often referred to as Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The purpose of this study was to know in depth the case of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in refugees of pregnant women victims of Mount Agung eruption in Karangasem-Bali. Method: The study was qualitative. Data were collected through in-depth interview techniques on 10 informants. Results: This study found most of the informants had a fairly good life history in their place of origin. After being at the evacuation site, all informants felt an unpleasant feeling. They felt fear and anxiety if Mount Agung really erupted. Especially pregnant women felt anxious about the impact of the Mount Agung eruption. They were anxious to think about the costs of giving birth and the care of their children after birth. They hope a help from the government and all parties related to this problem. Conclusion: The pregnant women of Mount Agung eruption victims were traumatized after the Mount Agung eruption (PTSD)
pregnant women refugees, Mount Agung eruptions, PTSD
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Putu Kamaryati
a) Institute of Technology and Health (ITEKES) Bali
b) Sanglah Hospital, Bali
Quality of life (QOL) is an important health outcome indicator in oncology. Many factors were related to QOL, such as fatigue, general health perception, and social support. The study focused on four domains of World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQOL-Bref). The revised Wilson and Cleary Model for Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) was used to guide the study. The purpose of the study was to examine the association among fatigue, general health perception, social support, and quality of life in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in Sanglah Hospital, Bali. The study was a cross-sectional design involving 119 cancer patients by convenience sampling in Sanglah Hospital, Bali. Each participant was interviewed according to structured questionnaires consisting of the demographic information, Visual Analog Scale to measure fatigue, Self-Rated Health, Social Support Survey, and WHOQOL-Bref. Data were analyzed by Spearman-s Rank correlation coefficient. Main results found that fatigue was negatively and significantly associated with physical, psychological, social, and environment domain of QoL (r = -.34; r = -.43; r = -.34; r = -.29, p < .05, respectively). General health perception was positively and significantly associated with physical, psychological, and environment domain of QoL (r =.19; r = .25; r = .19, p < .05, respectively), and social support was positively and significantly associated with psychological and social domain of QOL (r =.25 and r = .22, p < .05). These findings indicate the necessity for health professionals to take these factors into account when treating patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy to enhance the QOL of patients
quality of life; cancer; fatigue; general health perception; social support
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
I Gede Putu Darma Suyasa
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Hypertension is increasingly common among people in Indonesia and considered as one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Despite efforts to manage hypertension using pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach including traditional health service approach have been conducted, prevalence of hypertension and death associated with hypertension remains high. This study aimed to identify self-care management hypertension and traditional health service use among hypertensive patients in Southern Denpasar. This was a descriptive study with cross-sectional approach. Respondents were 100 patients recruited via consecutive sampling in 4 Public Health Centers in Southern Denpasar. A validated questionnaire on self-management of diet, physical activity, stress management, alcohol consumption, smoking, medication adherence and the use of traditional health service, was employed to collect the data. Findings indicated that the median age was 55 years (ranged from 17-80 years), 50.4% were females. In self-care management, most respondents showed adequate management in 5 domains (72% for diet management, 74% for stress management, 97% limiting alcohol consumption, 95% avoid smoking and 89% adhered with medication consumption). However, 63% respondents indicated poor management on physical activities. In addition, only 25% of respondents used traditional health service to manage their hypertension. Health care practitioners are suggested to promote physical activities and the use of traditional health services to manage hypertension.
Hypertension, physical activities, traditional health service, self-management
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Kadek Maheni
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Bali, particularly in Tabanan Regency is 4.978 patients. Due to this fact, there is a great tendency of complication incidence, specifically the diabetic foot. This research aimed to investigate the behavior of patients with diabetes mellitus in attempt to prevent the incidence of diabetic foot. This study implemented descriptive, cross-sectional design. The population of this study was 88 diabetic patients registered in the working area of Publich Health Centre (PHC) Selemadeg Timur I and the sample was selected through total sampling. The data were collected by using a questionnaire on patients- behavior in attempt to prevent diabetic foot. The statistical test results showed that 52 respondents (59.1%) had sufficient behavior in controlling their blood sugar, 56 respondents (63.3%) had sufficient behavior in wearing shoes/sandals, 65 respondents (73.9%) had sufficient behavior in toenails treatment, 47 respondents (53.4%) had sufficient behavior in maintaining foot cleanliness, 68 respondnets (77.3%) had sufficient behavior in practicing foot exercise and 74 respondents (84.1%) had sufficient behavior in attempt to prevent diabetic foot. It can be concluded that the majority of respondents in this study shows that they have sufficient behavior in attempt to prevent the incidence of diabetic foot.
diabetes mellitus, behavior, diabetic foot
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
I Wayan Adi Setiawan
Bachelor of Nursing Program
Institute of Health Sciences Bali
Abstract - Toddlers are the best initial part of the child development stage. In this stage, the childs creativity increases to explore the surrounding environment and the child also likes to put foreign objects into their mouth. This causes children to get the diarrheal disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between environmental sanitation and mother behavior in diarrhea prevention on the occurrence of diarrhea in a toddler at Public Health Centre II West Denpasar in 2019. This study employed a correlation analytic with a cross-sectional approach. To conduct this study, 107 respondents were recruited as the sample through a consecutive sampling technique. The data were collected using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the statistical test of Spearmans rho. Findings indicated that 57 respondents (53.3%) had good environmental sanitation. Moreover, 52 respondents (48.6%) who were mothers had good behavior in the prevention of diarrhea. 60 respondents (56.1%) had toddlers who experienced diarrhea in the last 3 months. There was a correlation between environmental sanitation and the occurrence of diarrhea in the Public Health Centre II West Denpasar (r = -0,789 and p-value <0.001). There was a correlation between mother behavior in preventing diarrhea and the occurrence of diarrhea in the Public Health Centre II West Denpasar (r = -0.823 and p-value <0.001). This study shows that the better the environmental sanitation, the low the incidence of diarrhea in toddler and the better behavior of mothers in the prevention of diarrhea, the low the occurrence of diarrhea in a toddler in Public Health Centre II West Denpasar
Keywords: Environmental Sanitation, Diarrhea Prevention Behavior, Diarrhea Occurrence
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
I Wayan Bebby Agustin
1Bachelor of Nursing Program, Institute of Technology and Health Bali, Jalan Tukad Balian No. 180 Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
2 Bachelor of Midwifery Program, Institute of Technology and Health Bali, Jalan Tukad Balian No. 180 Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
One of therapy for chronic renal failures is hemodialysis. The problem that usually occurs in hemodialysis treatment is the patient therapy compliance. Patient compliance in undergoing therapy requires support from family members. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the family support and the compliance on hemodialysis therapy in patients with chronic renal failure. This study employed a correlation analytic design with a cross-sectional approach. There were 136 respondents were recruited as the sample through convenience sampling technique. A self-constructed questionnaire was used in this study. The data were collected by using self-completed questionnaire. All respondents had completed the questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using Spearman-s rho statistical test. Among 136 respondents, 65,4% were male. The average age of the respondents was between 56 to 65 years old. There were 87.5% respondents had good family support. There were 88.2% respondents had good compliance. Statistical test results showed p-value <0.001 indicating there was a correlation between family support and compliance to patients underwent hemodialysis therapy. The patients family is expected to provide support for patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy. Therefore, patients will be obedient in undergoing a therapy program.
Family Support, Compliance, Hemodialysis
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Komang Rizki Rahayu Putri Pradnyayanti
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Abstract-The application of sun protection is a key factor in the prevention of skin cancer especially for those who spend significant time under the sun such as informal workers in tourism industries. However, preliminary observation reveals that these workers are lacking in the application of sun protection. The purpose of this study was identify the relationship between the level of knowledge and behavior of informal workers in tourist industries on the application of sun protection. This was a descriptive study with cross-sectional approach. Respondents were 299 informal workers at Kuta Beach selected through consecutive sampling technique. Data were collected using a modified questionnaire by Alzahrani (2018) and Gray (2010), and analyzed using Spearman-s Rho Correlation. Among 299 respondents, 23.4% were females and 76.6% were males. Most of them aged between 26-35 years (32.4%). Findings indicated that 59.9% had less knowledge, 32.8% had moderate knowledge, only 7.4% had adequate knowledge. Meanwhile, 61.2% had inadequate behavior of the application of sun protection, 36.1% had moderate behavior, only 2.7% had adequate behavior. There was a medium correlation between two variables, r=0.411, n=299, p< 0.001, with high levels of knowledge associated with high levels of behavior. There is a significant correlation between the level of knowledge and behavior of respondent toward sun protection application. Informal workers in tourism industries are expected to increase knowledge on the application of sun protection and to apply sun protection.
Keywords: Knowledge, Behavior, Sun protection, Skin Cancer
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Made Ratri Dwinadari
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Heart disease is still the 10th leading cause of death worldwide, with a percentage of 17,9 million people dying every year. In addition to heart disease, traffic accidents also cause death throughout the world. 1,24 million people die each year due to traffic accidents and 91% of traffic accidents occur in the developing countries including Indonesia. The first hour is a very important moment in handling the rescue of patients or emergency victims, which can suppress up to 85% of the risk of death. The handling referred here is Life Support. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between knowledge level and the attitude about Basic Life Support (BLS) in the students of Health Vocational High School of Bali Medika. This study employed a correlation analytic research design with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used was a stratified random sampling technique with simple random sampling. To conduct this study, 161 respondents were recruited as the sample. The data were collected using a questionnaire on the level of knowledge and the attitude on BLS. The data were analyzed using Spearmans rho statistical test with a significance level of α = 0.05. Findings indicated that p-value <0.001, which means there was a correlation between the level of knowledge and attitudes about Basic Life Support (BLS) in the students of Health Vocational High School of Bali Medika. There is a correlation between the level of knowledge and attitudes about Basic Life Support (BLS) in the students of Health Vocational High School of Bali Medika, the better the level of knowledge about BLS, the better the attitude of the students of Health Vocational High School of Bali Medika about BLS.
Basic Life Support, Knowledge Level, Attitude
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Putu Amelia Suarta Dewi
1Bachelor of Nursing Program, Institute of Technology and Health Bali, Jalan Tukad Balian No. 180 Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
2 Bachelor of Midwifery Program, Institute of Technology and Health Bali, Jalan Tukad Balian No. 180 Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Caring behavior has an important role in providing care in the hospital. However, there are still patients give complaints about the attitude of nurses who are less friendly, less sympathetic and rarely smile; indicating that nursing services are still not optimal. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between nurse awards and length of working time in nurse caring behavior. This study employed an analytical research design with a cross-sectional approach. There were 215 respondents recruited as the sample which were chosen by using a stratified random sampling technique. A validated self-developed questionnaire was used in this study. Data collection was completed by using self-questionnaire and all respondents had been filled in completely. The data were analyzed by using Spearman-s Rho test. Among 215 respondents, 70.2% were female, the average age of the respondents was 25 to 30 years old. Length of working period was from 7 to 10 years. There were 73.5% of nurse awards were sufficient, and 50.7% of nurses caring behaviors were sufficient. Moreover, there was correlation between nurses awards (p <0.001) and length of working (p = 0.042) in nurses- caring behavior. The conclusion of this study is the nurses are expected to maintain the caring behavior because it is the basis of nursing science.
Nurse Award, Length of Working, Nurse Caring Behaviour
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Agus Dwi Arya Suprianta
Bachelor of Nursing Program
Institute of Health and Sciences Bali
Abstract - Scavengers are work that are susceptible to disease. Scavenger cannot be separated with unclean environment. If they cannot maintain personal hygiene properly after doing their work, they will affected by various disease. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between perception and behavior of scavengers about personal hygiene at Suwung landfills, South Denpasar. This study employed analytical correlation design with cross-sectional approach. There were 139 respondents recruited as the sample of this study which were selected through non probability sampling. The data were collected by using questionnaire and analyzed statistically by using Spearman-s Rho Correlation. The finding showed that there were 87 respondents (62.6%) had good perception about personal hygiene and 97 respondents (69.8%) had moderate perception about personal hygiene. There was a significant and positive correlation between perception and behavior of scavengers about personal hygiene at Suwung landfills, South Denpasar (p-value = 0.001; r = 0.503).The better the perception of the scavengers the better the behavior of the scavengers about personal hygiene. The scavengers are expected to pay more attention to clean and healthy living behavior such as maintaining and improving the quality of personal hygiene.
Keywords : Perception, Behavior, Personal Hygiene, Scavengers
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
I Gusti Ayu Putu Iin Candra Gasika
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Abstract. Dysmenorrhea is a physical disorder in the form of abdominal pain before and during menstruation that occurs without signs of infection or pelvic disease. The factor that affects dysmenorrhea is nutritional status. In this case, dysmenorrhea degree, especially in young women still occur. Good nutritional status in female teenager can reduce the dysmenorrhea degree. The aim of this study was to identify the correlation of nutritional status with dysmenorrhea degree on female teenager in junior high school PGRI 5 Denpasar. This study employed correlation analytical with cross sectional design and conducted on March, 12th – April, 12th 2019. The population in this study was female teenagers in eight grade student junior high school PGRI 5 Denpasar with a total sample of 151 respondents. The sample were selected by using simple random sampling and stratified sampling. The self-completed questionnaire was employed as the method. The data were collected by using questionnaire and analyzed by using Spearman Rho test. Statistic test showed that the significant positif minimum correlation between nutritional status with dysmenorrhea degree on female teenager (p value <0,05). The conclusion of this study is the better nutritional status in female teenagers, the lower the degree of dysmenorrhoea felt by them. It is recommended to female teenager to maintain good nutritional status to reduce pain during menstruation.
Nutritional Status, Dysmenorrhea Degree, Female Teenager
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Luh Putu Mega Kartika Candra
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
The achievement of optimal development can be done by providing exclusive breast milk to baby up to 6 months, but the rate of exclusive breast milk is still low especially in Denpasar city. The purpose of this study was identify the correlation of providing exclusive breast milk with baby growth in the health service integrated post at Padangsambian West Denpasar. This research implemented analytical correlation design with cross-sectional and it held on February, 27th – April, 27th 2019. The population in this study were 103 babies aged 0-1 years old in the health service integrated post at Padangsambian West Denpasar as the respondents. The respondents were selected through simple random sampling technique. This study employed observation self-completed questionnaire with Pre Development Screening Questionnaire to collect the data. The data were analyzed by using Spearman Rho test. The result of Spearman Rho showed there was a statistically significant positive medium correlation between providing exclusive breast milk with baby growth (r = 0,46, p < 0,001). It can be concluded that the more fulfilled exclusive breast milk on baby, the better the baby growth. It is recommended to mothers to apply exclusive breast milk to achieve an optimal growth on baby.
Exclusive Breast Milk, Growth, Baby.
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni wayan eka Merry pratiwi
Institute Technology and Health Bali
During the hospitalization, the preschool children tend to experience anxiety. This anxiety can be prevented by implementing the principle of atraumatic care in children but the application of the principle of atraumatic care in the hospital has not been fully implemented. The aim of this study was to identify the correlation of the atraumatic care principle implementation with anxiety level on preschool children who have hospitalization in Kaswari ward RSUD Wangaya Denpasar. This study employed analytic correlative design with cross sectional approach and conducted on February, 26th – March, 31th 2019. The population in this study were preschool children aged 3-6 years who experienced hospitalization in the Kaswari Ward with a total sample of 50 respondents which were selected by using consecutive sampling. This study employed self-completed questionnaire method and the data were collected by using questionnaire of atraumatic care principle and preschool children anxiety level. The data were analyzed by using Spearman Rho test. The statistic test showed that significant positive medium correlation between atraumatic care with anxiety level of preschool children (r = 0,45. p < 0,001). There is the correlation of the atraumatic care principle implementation with anxiety level on preschool children who have hospitalization in Kaswari ward RSUD Wangaya Denpasar. It is recommended to health service institutions to use the results of this study as references in the preparation of planning programs and development of services to patients, especially an effort to optimize the services of atraumatic care to children patients.
Atraumatic Care, Anxiety, Preschool Children
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Pande Made Fitawijamari
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Stunting is a growth failure condition of children under five years old due to chronic malnutrition. One of the factors associated with stunting is the knowledge and attitude of the mother. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of the role of health service integrated post cadre towards the knowledge and the attitude of mother about stunting prevention in the working area of Public Health Centre II Ubud. This study employed a correlative analytic design with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all mothers who participated in the Health Service Integrated Post in the Public Health Centre II Ubud. To conduct this study, 204 respondents were recruited as the sample through systematic random sampling and consecutive technique. The data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by using the The Spearmans Rho. The Spearmans Rho statistical test showed significant results between the role of Health Service Integrated Post cadres on mothers knowledge about the prevention of stunting (p-value < 0.05 and r = 0.303). In relation to the role of Health Service Integrated Post cadres and maternal attitudes, there were also significant results (p-value <0.05 and r = 0.193). There is a relationship between the role of Health Service Integrated Post cadres on the knowledge and attitudes of mothers about stunting prevention in the Working Area of Public Health Centre II Ubud.
Knowledge, Attitude, Role of Health Service Integrated Post Cadre, Stunting
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Dewa ayu sinar Putri pertami
Institute of Technology and Helath Bali
Jalan Tukad Balian 180, Renon 80226, Denpasar, Bali
Dysmenorrhea in teenager can have an impact on activities and doing activity, thus it can interfere of the teaching and learning process. This can be done with various alternative therapies, one of them is abdominal stretching therapy. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of abdominal stretching exercise toward dysmenorrhea reduction on teenager in ten grade student of Senior High School 6 Denpasar. This study employed pre experimental with one group pretest posttest design. The interventions of abdominal stretching with 10-20 minutes to 20 students who experienced dysmenorrhea and the sample were selected by using total sampling. The data were collected by using Faces Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R) and analyzed by using non Paired t-Test. The finding showed that the significant value was p- value = 0,000 or 0,001 (p< 0,05) which meant abdominal stretching provide the significant effect to the dysmenorrhea reduction on teenager in ten grade student of Senior High School 6 Denpasar The Conclusion of research was abdominal stretching is recommended as an appropriate strategy for measuring pain scale in decreasing dysmenorrhea on teenager
Dysmenorrhea, Teenager
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Ketut Desi Mahayuni
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Physical in activity is a problem faced by patients with hypertension. Physical exercise is one of non-pharmacology treatment on high blood pressure which function is to control blood pressure. This research aimed to identify the effect of aerobic exercise toward blood pressure on patients with hypertension in the working area of public health center IV Kintamani, Bangli. This research design was One Group Pretest Posttest Design. The population of the research were patients with hypertension in the working area of Public Health Center IV Kintamani. There were 20 respondents recruited as the sample which were chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by using observation sheet and sphygmomanometer to check blood pressure systole and diastole. Physical exercise was done 60 minutes in 3 times a week during a month. Checking blood pressure was done before physical activity on first day and after physical activity day twelve. The data were analyzed by using wilcoxon signed rank test. The test showed that p-value = 0,001 (< α 0,05). The result of the research showed that the effect of aerobic exercise significantly decrease blood pressure on patients with hypertension were 10 mmHg. The conclusion of the research showed that there is an effect of aerobic exercise toward blood pressure on patients with hypertension. Aerobic exercise is non-pharmacology treatment which can be combined with pharmacology treatment in consuming antihypertension medicine so that the blood pressure can be controlled.
Aerobic Exercise, Blood pressure, Hypertension
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Putu Novi Antari
Institute of Health Sciences Bali
Hypertension is an increase in systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg and diastolic ≥90 mmHg. The debatable assumption that is widely known in the community is that the high blood pressure needs to be lowered if it has been disturbed. The bad effects of high blood pressure are not immediately felt but will appear in some time which can disrupt the function of various organs, such as the kidneys, eyes, and even the heart. Soaking the feet using warm water with a mixture of salt and ginger is a non-pharmacological treatment that can reduce blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of foot soak therapy using warm water with a mixture of salt and ginger on the decrease of blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension. This study employed a pre-experimental method with one group pretest and posttest design, a pretest through observation was carried out, followed by intervention for 14 days and then a posttest observation of blood sample. To conduct this study, 20 respondents were recruited as the sample through simple random sampling technique. Findings indicated that based on Wilcoxon test, there was a therapeutic effect of foot soak using warm water with a mixture of salt and ginger to decrease blood pressure in elderly with hypertension (p-value <0.001). Therapeutic foot soak using warm water with a mixture of salt and ginger is effective for reducing blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension in the Working Area of Public Health Centre II Mengwi.
Warm Water Foot Soak, Salt, Ginger, Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Elderly.
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
Ni Luh Cica Kusumadewi
Institute of Technology and Health Bali
High blood glucose is a problem faced by patients with type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Physical exercise is one way to control DM by managing blood glucose level and reducing insulin resistance. The research aimed to identify the effect of rubber band resistance exercise combined with music therapy toward blood glucose level on the patients with type II diabetes mellitus. The research design was One Group Pre-test Post-test design (rubber band resistance exercise combined with music therapy as the treatment given to the respondent). Population in this study were type II diabetes mellitus patients who visited Public Health Center II West Denpasar there were 32 respondents recruited as the sample which were chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by observing blood glucose level. Physical exercise was done 30 minutes in 3 times a week during a month. Checking blood glucose level was done before physical exercise the first day and after physical exercise day twelve. The instrument used were observation sheet, gluco meter and speaker. The data were analyzed by using wilcoxon signed rank and the result showed that p-value = 0,001 (< 0,05). Rubber band resistance exercise combined with music therapy significantly decrease blood glucose level was 57 mg/dL. In conclusion, there is an effect of rubber band resistance exercise combined with music therapy significantly reduce blood glucose levels. There is good evidence as a non-parmacological for type II Diabetes Mellitus patients. This is an alternative itreatment, effective and efficient in controlling blood glucose levels.
Type II DM, physical exercise, blood glucose level, rubber band resistance exercise, music therapy.
Healthcare Practice and Services
Corresponding Author
I Gde Agus Shuarsedana Putra
Abstract. Sectio caesarea is surgical procedure through incision of the abdominal wall and uterus to remove the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid. The best anesthetic technique in the sectio caesarea is a spinal anesthesia. It has lots of advantages such as fast medicine work, deeper sensory and motor blockade, has minimum risk for the baby, and has minimum risk for the toxicity. Besides, spinal anesthesia also has disadvantages such as maternal hypotension. The purpose of the study was to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of crystalloid fluids to prevent maternal hypotension on sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia according to the patients- criteria. This study employed analytical observational with cross-sectional research design. All sectio caesarea patients with spinal anesthesia were recruited as the sample which were chosen by using consecutive sampling. The data were collected by using observation sheet of MAP, TDS, and TDD which were taken before being given spinal anesthesia at 5th, 10th minutes and 15th minutes after spinal anesthesia. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 20 for Windows. Based on the generalized linier model test, it showed that P<0.05 in each hemodynamic marker (TDS, TDD and MAP) was obtained at the 5th and 10th minute, while in the 15th minute P> 0.05 was found. In conclusion, there is significant effect of blood pressure of sectio caesarea patients with spinal anesthesia at 5th and 10th minutes but at 15th minutes there is no significant effect. It can occur because of the effects of anesthesia and drugs given during the operation.
sectio caesarea, spinal anesthesia, crystalloid, maternal hypotension.
Healthcare Practice and Services
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